Bridge 3: Issues-Questions-Needs-Potential STUDIO


bridge 3-1i2ta0w

In Bridge three we are moving closer to our end result, and so we had to organize all of our ideas before doing so. In Studio we made 3D and 2D representations of our issues and in Seminar, we are making a folder where we will put all our gathered information so far.

In my mind map I wanted to focus on the possible solutions to the questions. So I came up with four goals/ topics to be considered in the questions. The solution has to be educational, sustainable, inclusive, and non-intrusive. From those key points I wove my way into different ideas that branch of of those. Smaller details to be considered and utilized in the solution.

In my model I am looking at the issue of child poverty in Astoria, and I am trying to incorporate a system or space to help ease this issue. I began by taking trips to the neighborhood to experience it myself, taking note of the different areas I visited. I marked down locations and public spaces I could be made use of/ involved in the solution. I included the subway line to make note of accessibility to these places as well as the busier/ larger roads. Most of the public spaces are parks, but some are community centers and libraries.



Using my model and map I was able to identify more possible creative solutions to my issue, including making use of a public space that encompasses all of Astoria – its sidewalks. I enjoyed this bridge project, because I was able to work with my hands to create the model. I used cardboard for the structure, then paint, bristol board, fabric, and wooden dowels to make the buildings, water, and sidewalks.


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