Bridge Five – Where are we going? What are we taking in?



Bridge 4

For our ‘final’ project, I had to present my final solution/ proposal for my issue. I think what I failed in here, was focusing on the solution rather than the issue. I also didn’t use much of my research here, as I did in my final paper. I focused instead on the physical final instead of the presentation.



Bridge 3

In bridge three we were going deeper our issues, and choosing what to focus on as possible solutions. I think the most successful part of this assignment was my chart, but there was much to improve upon in my model beginning with detail. I already knew what I wanted to do at this point but I was confused on how to execute it, and this in turn caused me to hesitate when making the project.



Bridge 2

In bridge two, a individual project, we stepped out into our neighborhoods on a almost year long field assignment. I think the best part of the assignment for me, was going to Astoria multiple times. Though, it took at least two hours for travel, so I couldn’t go often, I think experiencing it still was important to how I thought of the neighborhood.  I do think I failed in the presentation of information, likely because I changed plans about two days before I needed to be finished with the project. So time management could have been better, or at least sticking through with an idea.


Bridge 1

A group project, bridge one helped me to work with others in a short time frame. We were pretty organized with time, something I haven’t been able to do in other group projects. We also created a lot of content in just the few days we were given. We did fail in how we presented the information. Though I don’t consider it a failure, considering the amount of work we did. Though there was much to be improved, such as the presentation, I think we succeeded in concept and in execution of the model.



Bending Geography

Bending Geography was another importnat one for me, because it was similar to the walking tour, in that I had to organize information to it basic components and make something legible for the reader to understand. The two assignments go hand in hand in the concepts taught. I think I was successful in that I was able to break down information to basic components in both projects. However there was more to be done in how it was organized. In hindsight I have ideas that could work better with the intended purpose, something more clear to me now than then.

The Walking Tour

One of our first assignments, I included because it was a first taste of what we would be doing all the semester. Starting off with an assignment that would teach us how to get out in the field and start looking for things that point to the direction of our destination. I learned from this assignment how to start looking for important information regarding design in so that you can efficiently do so for others.


Readings/ Ted Talks

Throughout the Semester we read chapters from The Design process and watched various Ted Talks on Design. While they may seem like busy work, the readings and videos offer new perspectives in the design field, from a lot of people who are already working in it. Their insight on the design field is pretty useful in that it teaches about the careers we will on day be a part of.



Overall Reflection

I think as far a valuable skills I’ve learned, the have mostly been research and ethnography related. Especially in how different types of research and insights can be valuable to the design process.

Success – Time management. I think although there are ways I could have better managed my time, I think as an overall thing, I did the best with the time and resources that I had during some assignments.

Failure – Time management. There were a lot of times where I went back on ideas or just didn’t understand something in class and instead of going through with something I didn’t like, I tried to make it something I did. This resulted in a lot of bad finished products that were half thought out ideas.

Success – Organizing Information. I think one thing I learned from this class was how to research and organize information, at least for myself.

Failure – Presenting information. There were many times where I didn’t understand how the presentation was supposed to function, I didn’t know what I needed to do. So a lot of my information came out confused and missing important details.

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