Sue Games

Sue games

For this homework, I went to and played games under “Girls” rubric. The ones, wich caught my attention were a series of Sue game. There are around 25 games about the pinked hair girl named Sue, which catches your attention.

One of the most memorable ones was the “Sue’s Dating Dress up.” it might sound weird, but comparing it to the other dressing up games, this one has two more unique aspects. First, every time you have to dress up for a specific event, wich implies different type and style of clothing and makeup. The second aspect, which gives this game a sense of drive is the timer; you have only 60 seconds to dress Sue up in appropriate for the event clothe. You also can apply makeup or different accessories, if you will have time. Also, you can not see the whole garderobe, for every item in there; you have to click on the error on the screen, which takes time and makes this game harder.


The second game I played was again one from Sue’s games. The name of the game is “Sue Beauty Room,” which again is a dress up the game with unique rules. In this particular game, the main character, Sue is late for school, and you have to help her dress up in a specific amount of time. You again have only 60 seconds, but here is the other task, at the same time, you have to find eight items she needs in school and four things which are part of her look (two earrings and two hair accessories.)


Those two games where the dressing up genre, but they were original and exciting to play due to the timer and specific rules, which made the game more enjoyable. This time shortage makes you wanna play again since you think that you might have missed something in the previous time.

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