Hey Harry!
Sorry about the late email, I’ve been so busy doing work and getting all the things my mom asked me to buy and ship all the way back home. Have you ever tried champagne flavored gummy bears? My mom is obsessed with them. Anyways that’s awesome that you actually know how to code and taught yourself to program iPhone apps! Did you customize the apps on your new phone? I didn’t know you were a transfer student! Where from? So are you 19 this year?
Being in New York and surrounded by people who dress fashionable makes me feel like I’m underdressed. But it’s good to have your own unique style! You could try plaid shirts. Same! I share a bathroom with 5 people, but the thing is, we’re all girls with long hair. So our bathtub gets clogged quite often and covered with hair, which is disgusting.
Your brother looks so mature! I can see why people would mistake him as your older brother. I wish I’m taller than my brother, but I’m almost passed my growth spurt and forever be a midget. So what have you been up to this weekend? We had today off, which was great! Oh and guess what? I overheard two girls talking about Kim Kardashian being tied up and robbed for her jewelry.
In the café waiting for my “Pick Me Up” sandwich, two girls came in wearing running gears, one with her phone slipped into her armband and another with a knee brace. Where the café was located, in Midtown, the area wasn’t huge. Taylor said “I can’t believe Kim Kardashian got robbed! Her friend’s eyebrow shot up and gave her a disappointing look, “Are you serious Taylor? I’m glad she got robbed! She does nothing all day and earn billions of dollars!” Taylor quickly rephrased “I mean, I can’t believe the robbers got through the receptionists and the bodyguards.” Her friend paused for a moment “Well, they were mimicking a police officer. Halloween came early.” They both laughed and studied the menu. Her friend asked, “What are you going to get?” “I don’t know, but I heard that their avocado on toast is pretty good.” “Yeah, my boyfriend came here last week and he couldn’t stop talking about it.” Interrupting them, the middle age man behind the cashier asked, “What would you like today?” Taylor responded for both of them, “we both would like “The Smash” please.” She redirected towards her friend “do you want a drink as well? I’m pretty dehydrated right now.” Her friend nodded and continued “I think she deserved to be robbed. People like that don’t just get all the money and fame without doing anything purposeful.” Taylor pried her wallet open “True. Now that her 9 million dollar worth of jewelry are gone, maybe this is what she needs: a reality check.” The cashier suddenly looked up and with his amplified voice, “are you guys talking about the Kardashians? O.M.G I love them! Like, love them.”
I couldn’t stop laughing at the two girl’s reaction! It was priceless. They’ve been trash talking about Kim in front of the guy. They were very loud as well. But seriously, I can’t imagine Kim getting robbed in Paris! I’m not a fan, but still, it must be terrifying having a stranger pointing a gun at her! I had my brother point a BB gun at me, and actually shoot my leg and back. It was a machine gun, so it was pretty painful. Even a BB gun hurts, imagine getting shot with a real one!
Anyways, I feel like I still don’t know you well and I do want to make an awesome gift for you! What do you do when you’re not tackling with homework? I usually workout, go out and explore, shopping, watch TV shows. I know it’s a bit childish but I love The Flash and The Arrow!!! I’m not a fan of reading, since I can’t concentration and I tend to lose patience.
Anyways, hope you had an awesome week!
Hey Harry!
I’ve only had candy corn once in my life! They don’t sell them in Hong Kong, but I first tried them in Toronto. The texture differs from most candies, which I’m not used to. I can’t believe one of my suitemate has never heard of candy corn! I don’t eat sweets and chips often, since they make me feel guilty, but nuts and dried fruit and veggies: I’m a health nut. But I tend to snack a lot, which is not healthy.
When you said you were a transfer, I assumed you were beyond 19 since there are quite a lot of 19-year-old freshmen. I’m still a baby, but I’m turning 18 next month. Not sure what I’m going to do on my birthday yet since my parents are halfway across the globe and my brother in Toronto. I can’t believe you went into computer science! It must’ve been quite intense. It’s good that you studied computer science for your first year! It means you get a head start before anyone else! I would agree with you because my brother lives like a pig. He has his underwear spread all across his bed, documents and assignments on his desk and floor and expired snacks in his drawers. I can’t imagine having to live with 4 guys! I’m a clean and organized person as well! I’m quite glad that I have clean roommates, but same as you, I often end up cleaning the kitchen counter, table and bins all the time. I don’t know if it’s the same for guys, but I try to leave it be, or else they would depend on me for the rest of the year.
The Maker Fair seems so much fun! I didn’t know they had that in New York! Can anyone just bring his or her invention to the fair? If that’s the case you should enter! I would definitely go see your creation! I can only design the looks of it but I can’t make anything work, it would just be immobile.
My high school chemistry teacher married someone from Tinder!! They are the sweetest couple I’ve ever met! Before that, I’ve always imagined and perceived Tinder as an app for temporary and superficial relationships. I guess I was wrong. It would be funny if the conversation continued something like this:
Tanya replied, “you can stalk him on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!” “Right!” Amber hastily pulled her phone out of her bag and began typing the word Todd, but then stopped as her thumbs froze an inch above the keyboard. She looked up at Tanya with her lips partially open. Tanya said, “what? Is he ugly?” Amber remained staring at her with a blank face. “Fat? Short? Oh my gosh, don’t tell me he’s fifty something.” Amber softly responded, “I don’t know his last name.” Tanya immediately burst out laughing.
I started making yours! I have to go to New Jersey for the weekend for a retreat, so I’ve been trying to finish all my assignments by today before I get on the bus. I’m hoping that your gift will dry by Sunday! Where is Comic Con? How’d you find all these events? I’ve only been studying, drawing, exploring the city and working out for the past three months. If you would have to pick one between Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, which one would it be? Mine would be Photoshop. I haven’t watched a lot of movies, but I’ve watched New Girl, Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Happy Ending, Drop Dead Diva and Glee. Now I think about it, they are mostly chick flicks haha. My heart melts whenever there’s romance in the film. What I’m most excited about is designing for people, though it varies. E.g; designing wedding cards, decorating homes, anything that is functional I guess… I love trying new things and to challenge myself, so I tend to make a huge range of things. If it were not art related, I would say helping people and making them happy! But I’m still struggling to know what I’m extremely passionate about. All I know for now, is that I want to beautify the city and make people happy through design, but I don’t have a specific thing I like yet. Not sure if it helps, but most of what I do consists of vibrant colors, similar to Pinterest color schemes, and anything to do with nature!
Have an awesome weekend!