Behind The Scenes

A short story told from supernatural perspectives, both the good and the dark side.


Sweet like a peach, compassionate and loyal like a dog. Oh how it saddens me to say that he won’t be like this for much longer – not really. So young, so innocent. The light that He has given him will soon be gone. The Father, the Almighty and the Messiah are merely words: they don’t mean anything. He is nothing more than one of my pawns, playing the game under my control. Once I turn all children of His against Him, He will be helpless, he will be powerless and he will bow down to me. He tries so hard to keep the darkness away from them, but it always finds its way back in, where it belongs. Even He can’t stop it.

Mortals have longingly denied that the darkness exists within them, so foolish. Once they open themselves up to the reality, a world where “immortality” and “prejudice” will not be existent and they will be mine.

Look at him praying at the side of his bed, “God, I want to pray for my family, my friends …” so pathetic. He won’t grant your wish you know? Leave it to the tooth fairy. The most sickening and pitiful about this man is his revolting constant smile and his eagerness to help. His friends and family consider him as a tough nut, but every one of them has a desire, an “immoral” desire that will tear them from within when achieved.

You see the girl with silky brunette hair walking into the bar? That’s my girl. Watch her softly clicking her ruby stilettos towards the bar table. She lifts her gorgeously fitted bum and rests it onto the backless chair. With her elbows on the table, she leans closer to the bartender. The bartender looks at her with a smile and offers her a complimentary margarita. She thanks him and gives him a wink– oh, guess who just walked in? She looks at the door as he enters. She slightly lifts her chin up and eyes locks at him. Now, you know what to do next, make me proud. After her first sip, she stood up with the drink in her hand and occupies the seat next to him. With a flirtatious smile, she converses with him and gradually leans closer. Come on sweetie, you can do better than that. She swings her hair to the back exposing her bare neck. He looks at her glimmering eyes and rosy lips – oh, and did I mention that the boy has a lover back home? Attempting to resist the temptation, he sits back distancing from her. The more he pulls away, the closer she leans. She turns her body facing him with part of her knee in contact with his and gently places her hand onto his thigh. She catches him occasionally glancing seven inches below her eyes and every time he does she leans even closer.



It is He who we live for. There is no one else that we’ll serve but the Father, the one who creates, the one who loves, the one who saves. We, as messengers, live by four qualities: selflessness, compassion, humility and most of all, servant hood. I feel quite fortunate to be able to serve, but it breaks my heart to see His children in pain, suffering from Lucifer’s doing. They were once pure until Lucifer decided to flee the flock and introduced evil into the world. He was so keen on attaining power; his pride overrode everything he stood for. Now that he is at war with the Father, he will do anything to watch Him perish.

Lucifer chooses to play with the “weak”, those who were once or currently put on trial. David is his next target. It already pains me to watch a sinner suffer but it pains me more having to witness Lucifer’s doing onto a man as generous, as compassionate as he is.

I can’t watch this. Girl, stop trying. David’s strong, strong enough to resist you. Those provocative eyes and pumped lips aren’t going to work. Okay…okay, he’s pulling himself away from her, that’s a good sign. He’s resisting…. resisting… still resisting. No, he’s caressing her milky white cheeks. He is blinded by her beauty and his, according to Lucifer, his “sexual desire”, he slowly drops his hand lower and lower along the silhouette of her body. Stop now when you still have the chance David! With his hands behind her back, he swiftly presses his body against hers. It’s too late.



Jackpot! I’ve proven my point, mortals are weak. He can’t even fully commit to the one he claims to truly love. What’s done is done. It’s now proven that your Father is just a scam. All he cares about is attention and attaining the throne. Every good deed you’ve done is nothing but a waste. You are better off without him. Trust me, because with me, you can do much greater things.

A little touching here and there will do this to a man. Even a kiss on the cheek would break trust. His wife will leave him, he will soon be lost and he will be filled with guilt for the rest of his life.



This is horrible. I can’t watch this. He’s heart broken, depressed and in pain. He’s pushing everyone he loves aside, blaming himself and cursing at the Father. I can’t do this, I can’t.

~On earth~

“Be strong David, be brave. Be the one He has made you to be. One step back won’t define who you are. You are His child and don’t forget that. Yes you have sinned, but remember that He has promised salvation to all? He still holds that promise. He knows you’re in pain, because He is in pain too. Don’t let this hurdle hold you back from living your life. You prayed for strength and He has provided. All you have to do is to use it.”

 After the messenger’s words, he drives and arrives at his place to find his wife, emotionless and cried out with black sacs hanging below her eyes. She screams, she throws things from her nightstand across the room. He calms her, grabs her cold, trembling hands and kneels onto the ground. Tears rolled down his face and with a familiar voice, he continually, kindly asked for forgiveness. Even though if she refuses, he wasn’t going to give up. True love lasts for eternity. As much as she wants to refuse to accept the fact that David has sinned, she didn’t want to throw everything that they had. Like any other soul mates, she is willing to push through it together even if trust is a little broken. With her still by his side, he picks himself up, earns her trust back with time and most importantly, grows stronger and more immune to the darkness. You see? This is His plan all along.




I know what is to come. My Creations were once pure, but he has brought darkness into the light. I can stop him, but I have no intention in doing so, because of Lucifer, you will learn to grow and bear fruit. Be brave and you will get there.


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