These two pieces are done digitally with ink/gel words and illustrations focusing on teaching others on the history of Washington Square Park/Arch and the whole Greenwich Village. It is an interactive piece educating others on historical landmarks and spots in the area.
Research on Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village Icon Draft-1az4cn7
(final) – don’t like it
FIRST PIECE (Greenwich Village)
- (reference photo)
2. (outline + slogan draft)
3. (Add color)
4. (drop shadow?)
5. (add icon and slogan)
6. (Experimenting with layout)
7. (location draft)
8. Save as pdf
9. (Printed out, write down street names + cut strips)
SECOND PIECE (Washington Square Arch)
- Drafting –
2. On illustrator make an outline
3. Photoshop to see the layout + print layout
4. Print out, draw with gold and silver
5. Cut out pieces of paper
6. Layout