Greenwich Village Edutainment

These two pieces are done digitally with ink/gel words and illustrations focusing on teaching others on the history of Washington Square Park/Arch and the whole Greenwich Village. It is an interactive piece educating others on historical landmarks and spots  in the area.

Research on Greenwich Village

Greenwich Village Icon Draft-1az4cn7




(final) – don’t like it

FIRST PIECE (Greenwich Village)

  1. (reference photo)

2. (outline + slogan draft)

3. (Add color)

Greenwich description-29nl1oj

4. (drop shadow?)

5. (add icon and slogan)

6. (Experimenting with layout)

7. (location draft)

8. Save as pdf

9. (Printed out, write down street names + cut strips)



SECOND PIECE (Washington Square Arch)

  1. Drafting –

2. On illustrator make an outline

3. Photoshop to see the layout + print layout

4. Print out, draw with gold and silver

5. Cut out pieces of paper

6. Layout



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