Defining Place Times Square Documentary Final

Sitting Space 

What is sitting space?

It is a resting place that is considered a comfortable zone for people to sit. The seating has to be at the right height to be comfortable.

Examples of this in Times Square: 

The table and chairs are definitely approachable by pedestrians, so this form of seating is a success. Also the Time Square red steps are very famous to the Time Square Plaza. It’s a place where people can sit and also gain an elevated view of the plaza. Behind these steps is a booth to purchase iconic NYC Broadway play tickets. Another good place for resting are the cement marble blocks. These blocks serve multiple purposes. These blocks can be used for:

• Sitting

• Leaning

• Standing for elevation


What are undesirables?

Undesirables are people or animals that are either not wanted or an annoyance to the other people in this space.

Examples of this in Times Square?

  • entertainers dressed up in costumes
  • ticket sellers
  • homeless
  • tourists

After careful consideration in my documentary I took a position on the subject of undesirables. I would say the most undesirables within the plaza are the entertainers dressed up in the costumes and other entertainers.


What is Triangulation? 

Triangulation is the ability for people to have interact with one another in a space. Within Times Square there is definitely not a lack of this within the Plaza.

Examples of Triangulation:

• Characters

• Dance shows

• Singing shows

• Art installations

Art Installations are set up in the

park for the public to stop and



Street/Walking Space: 

What is Street/Walking Space:

The street/ side walk space for people to keep the flow of traffic going within the Plaza.

Examples of this in Times Square?

There are great walk ways in which are good for keeping the flow of traffic going but it also serves the purpose of elevation because the middle of the walkway is elevated.It also has stone within the walkway to pick up the lights within the Plaza. As I discussed in the documentary, there are walkways specifically designed by the designers of the new Times Square. These  walkways startle the exterior/edges of the plaza and then in the middle cross.


Sun, Wind Trees, Water:

What is greenery? Greenery would be element within the plaza. I did not mention Trees, Sun or Water because they were not relevant elements to the Times Square Plaza. 

Examples of this in Times Square? 

There isn’t much greenery within the Plaza. There is only a few plots of greenery within the Plaza during the summer but here isn’t much room for plant life. I contrasted this Bryant Park within my documentary because it is another plaza but allows for different feel.

Effective Capacity/ Urban Overcrowding:

What is Urban overcrowding?

Refers to the situation in which more people are living within a single dwelling than there is space for.

Example of this in Times Square:

This would be when the middle of the plaza gets very full of people to a point that is uncomfortable.


Public vs Private Space: 

What is Public and Private Space in Times Square? 

Public space is a space where people can reside that is open to them freely. Private space is a space where people are not allowed to reside in freely.

Examples of this in Times Square:

Examples of Public Space in Times Square: 

The sitting space, the walking zones and the outside pedestrian plaza in general. The Private space can be the stores that sit on the edges of the plaza. These stores are privately owned properties. I said in my documentary that these privately owned stores can be considered public space as well.

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