I was really excited to do the media journal because I was very interested in finding out how much time of my day was consumed by the different types of media. I actually thought that the time spent on the phone was going to be much greater than the four daily hours (which I still think is a little too much). Also, during the time I wasn’t on the phone it was very tempting not to be using any other type of media. We are so used to being entertained all the time, that while not on the phone, I wanted to play music, watch TV or Netflix, or read. I wasn’t able to avoid media anytime anywhere. Obviously, some of the media was more useful in terms of the knowledge and input it brought to my life: books, videos, news and art are some of them. The fact that I had to keep track and actively think about my media usage made me more aware and careful. I tried not to use it as much, or I thought twice about picking up my phone and only tried to do it if it was completely necessary. After all, this exercise made me realize that it is practically impossible to live without being exposed to any type of media, even if you don’t want to, it will unexpectedly pop up in the streets as advertising or street art. It definitely gave me a totally new perspective on how we live our lives during this time.

Media Journal Reflection – Maria J

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