Keeping track of my media usage for a week was a very eye-opening experience. I knew going in to this assignment that social media usage was going to be my biggest issue. The first day of keeping track of my media usage was very revealing in the sense that I kept losing track of what I was doing. I used an app that was already on my phone called, “Screen Time” in order to track my phone usage. I broke it down by my total screen time, the amount of times I picked up my phone in a day, and the time spent on individual applications. Other than the amount of time I was on my phone, I tried noticing my everyday surroundings and understand that I am constantly surrounded by media. Whether it’s my subway ride to school being submerged in commercialism and advertisements or the stores that I go in to on the regular. I thought that I would share my weekly total; 17 hours, 20 minutes screen time. Five hours and seven minutes were spent on instagraam, four hours on iMessage, one hour on an internet browser, and a half an hour on mail. This was sometimes a hard thing to keep track of and over time I realized that the only time that I’m not being exposed to “the media” is when I’m sleeping (not dreaming).

Media Journal Reflection – Julie Vantrease

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