For my media journal, I decided to make a literal media journal. Using construction paper, some printer paper, a spool of thread and a needle. I documented all the media I could remember that I took in. When you start to write down everything you begin to see patterns you’ve created. Every morning I wake up and check my phone and in any in-between time during my day I’m still on my phone. Thankfully, I do not walk and text which in New York is impressive because we spend so much time walking around. You begin to realize subliminal messages within ads and online as well. It’s almost impossible to escape media if you want to be apart of the 21st-century society. For ⅗ days that I was documenting I had to go to work which meant a 9-hour shift. During that time (except one-hour lunch break) I’m not allowed to use my personal phone. However, they instead give you a phone to use which has specific apps to help my process (I work in retail) and access to my work email and the internet. During this time I was still being shoved with media down my throat. Of course, there is no way around some things in life, but If there is anything I can control is the media I’m purposefully taking in myself. So… I’m challenging myself to instead of going on my phone immediately after I wake up, to wait 30 minutes or an hour for me to make breakfast and have some coffee and let my mind wake up without bombarding it with information.

Media Reflection – Nina

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