Yes, its no secret that media has a big presence in our lives today. Media therefor is just another platform through which people can influence an audience. The guest influencer we had today was not what I thought he would be. I expected someone who knew how to engage an audience, to attract peoples attention and be charismatic. Yes, he had an interesting name, and very aesthetic instagram page–but that seemed to be all there was to him.

Influencers are supposed to have something about them that influences a change in their audience. He may accomplish that with his fan base on instagram but lacked the skills to do that in public.

Moving away from him as the influencer I believe that generally they hold a lot of power these days. Young kids who are on social media are easily roped in to buying and promoting products or content they see online. They are easily manipulated but its not just younger kids. People of any age or generation are susceptible to being strongly influenced by what they see on social media. “Fans”, “followers”, “audiences” all are intrigued by the life of those they follow on social media platforms. If person A follows celebrity/influencer B, then A may adopt B’s characteristics, likes, dislikes, aesthetics, trends, opinions, attitudes and the list goes on and as it does go on, it gets scarier. Its hard to draw the line or even see the line when you are in too deep. People may follow an influencer’s account just for fun, thinking it wont really affect their thought process but do not know that those ideas and concepts they see are stored in their subconscious mind.

Reflection on the Influencer

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