The way I perceived it, Murs is an influencer that might need to rethink what it means to be an influencer. After hearing our class share their opinions on his presentation, he, in no way, influenced us or persuaded us. Yes, some of his points were true such as influencers being people with a large following and having a platform to share something with their intended audience. However, it did not seem like he was understanding this. Even with a lot of followers, there should be a certain purpose such as uploading beauty tutorials and products, sharing artwork, and etc. He justified his statement the importance of a niche, by telling us that people follow him for a certain “aesthetic.” That isn’t what a niche is. He also pointed out that his followers followed him for his humor. I do not see the connection between his humor, and him trying out and selling products such as teeth whiteners or skin care products. I do not see a specific purpose to his account, which is vital as someone with that amount of audience. It just all seems too random. Furthermore, Although his intentions are by no means bad, the way he treats himself in this process of becoming an influencer seemed sad to me. He shared with us how he lost friends through this process. Is social media and becoming this big social media presence that important? More important than your loved ones? Why is influencing a large group more important than perhaps influencing your friends and family first? If this is what being an influencer is (which is not most of the time) he is doing something wrong. I know of plenty of influencers on instagram that keep great real life connections. He may have shared this with us to prove his dedication, but it convinced me less. Overall, his presentation opened my eyes to remember to know what is most important and to not lose yourself or your friends in the process, just to gain some followers. I feel as though if I were to be an influencer, with that amount of follower, I would try to use this opportunity with a more progressive and positive outlook.

Influencer Reflection

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