For Saheim and I’s podcast, we decided that we would like to focus on the private and public aspects of femme rappers’ lives. In our culture, there already lies the tendency for black people’s lives to be exploited, which leaves little room for privacy in the black community. However, this phenom is especially highlighted in the lives of femme rappers. Magazines and companies capitalize off of “drama” that revoles around these rappers’ lives, often misconstruing the reality of the situation, or creating rumors that then fester lies.

We will feature music, clips of interviews, and more to support our case. Saheim also will try and contact a few local rappers that could provide personal evidence.

I think doing this podcast would provide a voice to some that have been ignored and overlooked, and to allow them to be treated more humanly about their personal lives.


Podcast Concept: Saheim&Logan (Bitch!)

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