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I am on a Journey in Knowing me (Int. Sem.)

I did have several challenges during my bridge 1 project, and they include technical problems, weather problems, and mostly the “ get to know myself better” problem. Those challenged are off course overcame. However, I still remember like it’s yesterday how difficult is it for me to just take out one of my personas without intertwined with my other personas. To isolate part of me and take that character to its extreme and present her in a video (Mockumentary) or in words and voices(A very verbal selfie) almost felt like I am one step away from being schizophrenic. And I realized it was hard for me to stay in character in a video media than voice and words because video contains them all, and a tiny facial expression can spoil it all. On the other hand, in A very verbal selfie, I think I did quite a good job in stay in character, especially in the recordings. I wrote the text and recorded the voice in one try because it has perfectly captured that me. Listening to them even gives me goosebumps, because I have never exposed that hidden personality of mine.

Taking Technically, I found video editing the most successful part of my assignment, I have almost loved video editing and I self-taught how to use AE in the past, so the process of using Premiere which is similar to AE was quite fluent. However what’s different this time is after learning knowledge about all the shots, I am more in control with how shots can better express me in a way, for example, the wide surrounding low angle shot that I had towards the end successfully expresses my person of a “Queen” who owns the city and is empowered with her self-confidence towards her success in career. I realized with different shots, the same persona and the same story can be portrayed and told differently. Fun fact is that all my ideas of which shot for which scene are actually inspired by how I make scene shots and set design in manga or comics I drew. It’s very interesting how the everything I have learned has so far helped me gaining new knowledge. I wish my singing and acting skill can be used in designing new things in the future too, and that’s also why I choose Integrated Design as my major as I want to merge multiple areas of arts and create something new.

Through dissecting my personality and my identity, I have got to know myself better. I realized how I am consisted off 5 or more “me”s and how I can see so many more possibilities in me now. Looking back at the first Learning Portfolio post that I posted, I can now write more about myself. This task makes me consider why has the creator of humankind made each of us so different inside out, that we have to spend our entire life figure who they are, and most crucial and most challenged, who we are.

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