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See Through Mr. Tin Cat’s Eyes – Final Studio 2


Topic: How do fabricated fantasies affect people’s identity?

Example: Unrealistic events; religion; fictions /fairy tales; superstition; lies; unreachable goals; fake; fabricated character/world; dream; Beautify reality; imagination; non- scientific.

Components of the topic shown in Diptychs: Imagination trigger; censorship; optimistic perspective (see through rose-colored glasses); Mental support; escaping reality…

Material explored:  Sound, text, storytelling, clay, mini interior design, collage, watercolor, wired product making,  graphic design.


Inspired by last 2 diptychs


A sketch of my idea: most inspired by my3rd and 5th diptychs and the imaginative character I designed in my childhood–Mr. Tin Cat.


Idea proposal 

Idea: how fantasy blocks you from seeing reality but beautifies reality so you see more. It’s restrictive liberality.

product: a pair of glasses based on the character of Mr. tin cat, and has a usage of blocking some parts of the view but let you see through “rose-colored glasses”.

Reference: Kaleidescope & House Blinder



Material: I will explore laser cut acrylic (buttoned eyes), textile patterning (ears for the cat and hands) and makeup design( mouth stitches).

I will have to do a lot of research to make sure everything works, I am excited about the end result.




details of the structure

Elevator Pitch:

My theme is identity, my topic is fantasy, my topic question is how fantasies in life change people’s identity? My final project is inspired by the diptychs I created, and the idea of a kaleidoscope and house binder. It is a pair of glasses that serves the purpose as a product to see through Mr. Tin Cat, who is my childhood imaginative character ‘s eyes. He is a personal symbol of my fantasy that helped me escape from the restrictive education system by seeing more positive possibilities in life. I propose that fantasies “protect” us from reality through limiting and censoring our view, meanwhile triggers imagination and creativity by beautifying crucial reality. Our point of view, what we want to see and what we see partly defines our identity.



Meeting with Bryan and Eric in a pitch from was very helpful because I get to practice presenting and explaining my work and my concept better. The advice helping me broaden my view on this project and excites me to complete this work.


  • My updated Studio Project proposal is creating a pair of glasses see through Mr. Tin Cat’s fantastical eyesight, while listening to music I compose that triggers participant’s imagination. Interplay with visuals, sounds, and imagination.
  • What I need to research by our next class is how fairy tales varies through time because of censorship ( main focus: Grim’s Story first edition vs. Disney/ Modern edition). More exploration of material for a pair of steady glasses.



Wednesday Clarify 1>>>

The updated message behind the work: Using my imaginative character as a representation, to symbolize how fantasy does both a house blinder and a kaleidoscope do. It limits your view just like how the participants can only see things through little holes on the buttons but they see things beatified with potential like how the reflective on the glasses can shift the color of participants’ view. With sounds on the side to trigger people’s imagination– the most important element in fantasy.

Connection with my research paper for Seminar: My research paper is how fantasy as both indirect censorship and mind-opening trigger, change our identity? I will continue developing it and make sure I specify it to a certain area of knowledge focusing on such as fairytales and early education or censorship. My artwork for the studio is a very visual representation of my definition of fantasy and development on my identity due to this imaginative character I created to escape restrictive education. The studio work is a demonstration of fantastical identity, and the Seminar paper reveals the reasons and proofs.

What have I done since Apr15?

  • Think of material (accessibility)
  • Laser Cut
  • Purchased some materials

What I plan on researching?

  • Start on the structure of glasses (most challenged and needs to be precise)
  • Visit the Museum of Illusion
  • Learn how to use a sewing machine
  • Research on artists who also made “fake product” — (products that don’t have any actual usage but a strong message behind it, I call them “fake products” inspired by my last year’s seminar and studio class theme: fake)


It’s an experience of medium exploration!

Glasses: Colored acrylic board  ………………( √ )

Glasses lense: reflective plastic ………………( √ )

Nose connection: Wire………………( √  )

Ears: Metal or plastic ( paint with gold leaf)………………(   )

Hands: clothe? ………………(   )

Constructing ………………(   )

Recording sounds ………………(   )

Product ………………(   )



Preparation for next class (Apr 29)

buy and search materials (1hr)

constructing the wire nose part (30mins)

Record sounds from nature (1 hr)

Compose the music (1hr)


Critique >>>

Critique (Apr 15)

Notes that were taken by my group:

  • creating an immersive environment (audio landscape, with earbuds that play audio)
  • Hear app/ Upside down mirror glasses/ Museum of Illusion/ Augmented reality


Critique (April 22)

  • They taught me how to register for the laser lab haha
  • They suggested me to pay attention to how steady or balance the glasses will be with all these various materials (different weights, especially metal ears)
  • Thye suggested me to dive deep into editing sounds with adobe audition and actually go outside to record sounds from nature.

Critiques are useful because I have more space to play with this new medium.


Wednesday Clarify 2>>>

>Materials Collecting

>Cloths found in a recycled box in school for the ears, found really hard clothe to support the weight.

>Bought a glasses as a reference to make a real, steady “fake product”.

> Ready to check out an audio recorder from school.


Start making the actual project!

Process Recording:

Laser cut with acrylic ( I tried glasses before but cannot be used in laser cut)

Glue the parts together with a hot glue gun, start to peel after a few days, change to super glue.

Attach reflective plastic at the back of the acrylic to create rose-colored glasses effect.

Create the nose connection part with wires, in the shape of Mr. Tin Cat’s nose

Collect steady clothe from a recycle box, ready to cut and sew for the ears part

Buy a glasses as a reference for my real ” fake product”

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