Memoir Reflection

Yuxuan Gong

I learned how to transfer my memory into 3D objects in studio classes. I also saw other students’

works and learned a lot in peer critique section. In seminar classes, I knew some inspiring artists

and read their works. I also learned how to organize my story and rethink the deeper meaning in

it. By organizing my memory in seminar classes, I found that a obscure memory could be seen

in a different way and has profound meaning in my later life. Then I brought my new

interpretation of this memory into making 3D object in studio classes. In the process of making

the 3D object, I need to consider in which way I can present the relationship between my

memory and 3D object and deliver my concept clearly. I chose fabric collage as my 3D object

because it’s the same material as the item which brought me touching in my memory. Such thoughtful

considering situation happened a lot in the process of doing my 3D object. In such way, I can

view my own memory critically. It’s hard for people to view their memory in a bystander view,

because this means they must exclude their emotions and evaluate the selves at the same time. I

learned from studio classes that how can I not only convey my memory but also express my feelings

through 3D object, and peer critique section helps a lot. The students in studio classes and

seminar classes are so talented and I made a lot of friends.

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