3D Seminar& 3D Studio Soft Sculpture Project



I love cat and me myself owns 2 cats. Through the time I spend with them, I really can tell the differences of their personalities through their behaviors. I have a very cute and lazy British Shorthair cat and she moves extremely slow and always stay in a place staring at nowhere. I have a Siamese cat who is hyperactive all the time, jumping around and mess up with the plants my dad planted. Therefore, I want to create few cat sculptures each represent their personalities. 

From the soft sculpture I made last semester, I found using cloths as a material to build a sculpture or an installation interesting. For this semester, I would also like explore the possibility of using cloth and wire to make sculptures.


The first project I am doing is a set of sculptures of cats. I will be creating a total of 5 sculptures. Each cat will be located in certain place I assigned that fits their personalities. By the combination of the environment and the design of each sculptures, I intended to emphasize the special attributes of each cat by the differentiation of color and the size.



I am going to use the wire for the inner structure of the cat. Having the wire inside will not only make the structure of the cat clearer but also gives us a possibility to change the posture of the cats.



First step in Creating 



Second step in Creating 

Rethinking about the characteristics with the patches I designed for each cat, I decide to erase those patches. By having the basic color printed and the motion they have, I will inviting different background for them when taking photos. Hope there will be less ‘tag’ feeling by eliminating the patches into simple outlook of three cats.

Newspaper as a tool for a better shaping of the cat.

I will be adding cloth after the shape of three cats’ contour were shaped by newspaper. This will make both the knitting and stuffing process easier.


I did the 3rd newspaper wrap of the cat and will be working on the cloth part for the last week.


For week6, I am combining the cloth with the newspaper and stuffed cotton.


Final version created


I regarded all three soft sculpture as a part of the living creature around me as making them. I can feel a sense of accompany when having those installations around.

Each of them are now located as the place I want them to be. The colorful one will be maintaining in front of the mirror and the dot one will be sitting on the piano and the white and brown one will be located in any random branches or plants we have in the house.




Week1: Sketching

Week2: Bone structuring

Week3: All wires done & Cloths patterns printed

Week4: Combining all together. (Add stuffing cottons)


Wires:  $20

Cottons: $15

Cloths: $40

Prints: $0(Purchased before)

In total: $75

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