
For my prototype, I was inspired by my experience of homelessness and trying to express that through Korean side dishes. In Korean culture, side dishes are always eaten with every meal. The amount of side dishes also shows how wealthy you are- if you have a lot, you are wealthy and vice versa. When I started to realize that our situation at home was not good, the amount of side dishes I would eat would start to decrease. Sometimes I would not eat side dishes at all, which would be replaced with McDonald dollar menu food because it was the most accessible. Making the side dishes, even purchasing premade side dishes, are costly. I have decided to do a performance piece, and hopefully add other elements to amplify the emotion into the room. I am deciding to make the side dishes from scratch, and present them in a lunch box and try to accurately show the amount of side dishes with a timeline of my life.

HeeEun Chung is a Korean photographer based in Los Angeles. They are originally from Korea. They got their interest in photography when their father handed down his film camera and HeeEun wanted to revive the film movement. HeeEun's main focus was to incorporate intersectional feminism into photography because political activism is an essential part of their life and identity. They believe in teaching people about the complexities of political issues by connecting to them on an artistic, creative level.

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