Bridge 3.3 – Prototype 2 (Partner)


Ali’s artwork focused on my feeling of loneliness and isolation, and the feeling of hiding my experience of homelessness from people. In the illustration, he captured the feeling of isolation by creating a barred environment that focuses on me and the demons/shame and judgement in front of me. The posture he drew was from my prototype from Part 1, where I laid my hands out which represented that I needed help. The big swirl in the middle of the page portrays the biggest demon in my mind, and all the little swirls represent external factors in my life. Looking at the illustration gives me a sense of loneliness, but somehow a sense of peace. It seems like I am calmly trying to fight the demons in the midst of chaos. This inspired me in a way of emotion, and I hope I can capture the same emotion I felt looking at this piece, and translating it into my actions during my performance piece. Some new ideas that generated are posing and the emotion I want to encapsulate in my performance piece.

HeeEun Chung is a Korean photographer based in Los Angeles. They are originally from Korea. They got their interest in photography when their father handed down his film camera and HeeEun wanted to revive the film movement. HeeEun's main focus was to incorporate intersectional feminism into photography because political activism is an essential part of their life and identity. They believe in teaching people about the complexities of political issues by connecting to them on an artistic, creative level.

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