Assignment : Mythical Systems + Disruptive strategies

Part 1:

This story dates back to the US oil crisis experienced in the 1970’s, whereby lines of cars were lining up to get their cars filled up with gas due to its shortage. This was a result of oil-exporting countries such as Saudi Arabia cutting off oil supplies due to disagreements surrounding US foreign policy towards Palestine. Politics aside, our dependency on oil needs to be significantly reduced if we were to see a reduction in our carbon monoxide imprint. I re-imagined a scenario where another oil crises would occur, but instead in 2017.  Cab drivers and many other car services would experience a significant oil shortage which leads many to resort to eco-friendly forms of transportation such as bicycles, walking, etc. The end result would be a cleaner planet.


Part 2:

Pick three projects that inspire you. Think about what drew you towards them. What are the systems and strategies that the projects are dealing with and responding to? How you can use these ideas to develop your own strategy?

My chosen projects:

NannyVan –

What drew me towards this project was its innovative method to raise awareness of domestic worker rights in a fun and creative manner where all communities get invovled. They employed methods that envolve up to date technology, providing easier access to a broader public.

Immigrant movement international

Immigrant right is pivotal more than ever given our current political climate in this Country. It has never been a more opurtune time to highlight various issues plaguing imigrant communities in the form of artistic expression which attempt to bridge divides between the informed and the general masses.

CarolIne Wollard, “Trade School”:

The idea of a Trade School is an economoically friendly serivice avaiable to students and teachers from all income bracets. This effort is organized entirely by volunteer collectives, sharing skills to create spaces of hope amidst rising tuition costs and unemployment.

With these three projects, the one shared commonality is the advancement of the human cause.

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