Photo Montage

For this project, because we are doing a photo montage, I do the research about the origin of collage and Dadaism to get the inspiration for my project. Then I decided to do a personal narrative for my collage. I want to show the sports that I have just learned when I first came to New York to study. The sports is to ski because it is very fresh and totally new sports activity for me due to the reason that we don’t have snow in Taiwan, which is my home country. So the first time I saw snow in New York City, I was very excited and my friends invited me to go skiing with them. As soon as I started to ski, I was addicted to it. From my photo montage, you could find out that it is my process of learning how to ski for my very first time so from the first montage, I kept falling. But as I learn and ski more often, I start to get use to it and I will start doing different tricks and riding in a harder lane to challenge myself. Even now, I have my own snowboard and I will go to the ski mountain every week during the snow season.







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