Parsons pre college progress

Parsons so far has been an absolutely amazing experience . It took some effort getting through the first week but I have already improved my creative process and have become more aware of how and why I create . I have become more aware and fitted to my style, and just being here in this enviroment with such talented people that share the same values as me and share the same open mindset as me is refreshing . It’s allowing me to thrive and do what I love, and new ideas are all around me . So far I have created some collages and have been sketching new ideas, and really stepping out of my comfort zone but keeping my style . I did a group project with my peers and created an umbrella installation made with various materials, such as mattress padding, wire, holographic materials, fairy lights and finger condoms . This project was inspired by Greta Oto, a species of butterfly that has clear wings .

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