Sound Project – Listening to My Past


My piece reflects my childhood, events that occurred in the past, and memories that linger in my mind. I have a conversation with myself, unraveling emotions that have impacted my childhood, These moments all combine and connect with one particular person in my life who has affected me emotionally, mentally and physically.  The various sounds that I have incorporated into my piece were effective in creating an environment where my adolescent self is reliving episodes of pain, discomfort, and doubt. This also helped elevate the atmosphere of the script I was illustrating. This piece allowed me to revisit events in my childhood through a sequence of questions that I ask myself on things that I would have never ask myself, forcing me into a space of isolation to revise the actions I made.

These distinct sounds were created to connect directly to the words I speak and is nearly a second narrative to the piece. Repetition was used to emphasize my words as specific sounds reoccurred.


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