In between the color of red and the color pink


I remember as a youngling I loved all shades of the color pink. As a child I was obsessed with the color pink, it was a very appealing color, from barbies, dresses, paint and the hair berets I wore. The color is commonly associated with objects that are feminine just as pink is portrayed. The color is associated with positive emotions such as compassion and kindness to name a few. Magenta was a fun color, it made me happy to wear, use or see.


Nowadays, I don’t really see this color as much, but I find it often in Photoshop or InDesign, Magenta is on the subtractive color model CMYK. The name of the color was established in the late 1800’s, it has a relationship with a dyeing process, a term called Fuchsin. The color Magenta is derived from a town in Italy, Magenta, Italy



“Pink: The Color That Will Change Your Life.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

“Fuchsin.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

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