The Wicked Problem: Foster Care System/Child Welfare

Professor: Juanli Carrion

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Sustainable Systems


The foster care system is a sought refuge for a majority of children in the U.S. The cause of this system to grow is due to recurrent domestic violence, drugs, alcohol abuse that form a detrimental environment for a child to inhabit. Poverty is embedded in the system in terms of families with unfavorable income, though the government funds foster care systems to fund families who are reliable guardians to nurture and protect children, unfortunately, money corrupts the whole purpose of foster care, negligence and exploitation is a common issue that has been reported.

A solution in these circumstances is to implement in foster parents into disclosing transactions to validate the children’s care. One other solution involves foster parent training which should become a 1-2 year process to legitimately affirm the individual’s ethical devotion to fostering a child, to avoid as much corruption in the system.

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