Int Seminar2:Conceptual frameworks

What dilemmas/paradoxes/tensions are explored in your research?

The dilemma I saw in the neighborhood is not only lack of public space but also no available place to insert parks or public open space. The paradoxes is that even Lenox Hill is a very rich neighborhood they are poor in the public green zone, the neighbor do not have special character, and no sense of community. However, I see people always hang out around the street corner, the potential of street corner could be re- design to a place people could gather together.


What “big issues” [like gentrification, social capital, climate warming, cultural diversity, equity, etc] serve as a background to your research, and how do you approach them (why are they present in your narrative and how do they contextualize it)?

My neighborhood Lenox Hill never have problem about gentrification, since there has always been wealthy neighborhood, but equity for everyone to use the same space become the problem, the public space is not friendly for every users, like public park do not allow dog in there.

What have you learned about the “big issues” thanks to your research? What are you more aware of now?

I think the project and research gave me a totally new way to think about a space, before reading so much information about neighborhood and space I view things in a different way. Sometimes I walk around some neighborhood I never been to in New York, I start to wonder if they have been gentrified. I was so used to the space that I am living, never think about the story or issue it has.

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