Reflecting on the Definition of Fashion

It is hard to say how my definition of fashion has changed since the start of the semester as I do not quite remember what I said. I still think of the definition of fashion in the same way except now I am more educated in the different facets and ways of analyzing and understanding it. 

My definition of fashion is as follows : Fashion is a form of self-expression and must be set apart from the mere act of dressing or clothing the human body; fashion is the assemblage of curated garments that may or may not hold significant social, political, economic, or symbolic meaning specific to the wearer; fashion may also be characterized by the wearer’s personal style and is a representation of how the wearer want’s to be perceived by other human beings; fashion is an extension of the self and begs to not be defined as it can be likened to the ebb and flow of the tides for their everchanging quality. 

I aim to apply this definition to my perspective of fashion when I design in the future. If fashion is perceived as intangible, this way of thinking opens doors for innovation and new ways of going about the design process. 

I feel that I am sort of at an impasse at this point in the question because I cannot for the life of me think of a reading or lecture that connects to this way of thinking about fashion. 

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