For my studio final project, I chose to make a self help book that would be found in the MoMA bookstore. The purpose of my book is to use my story of how I went from struggling with self confidence and body image to truly loving myself to help others. I chose to title my book “Metamorphosis” because I want to spark a beautiful transformation in others.

At the beginning of this project, I thought that designing the book with complex and unique graphics would be enough of a reason as to why it belonged in the MoMA bookstore versus in a regular bookstore. As time progressed, I quickly came to the realization that it was not enough so I chose to integrate an experimentation exhibit to take place real time that will act out an experiment that is inspired by Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments that I discuss in my book. This experiment will take place in the MoMA courtyard and will hopefully promote and direct audiences to look for my book in the bookstore. 

For my research paper, I dug deep into Dr. Emoto’s extensive studies on how positive and negative words affect molecular structure, and how they are linked to the human body. Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese scientist who has been studying crystals for over 20 years so his studies are extensive. His studies completely captivate me because they physically show the power of words, and how words with positive connotations form crystals with perfect unity and structure, but words with negative connotations form dull and incomplete crystals with asymmetrical structure. These studies can be directly linked to the human body and promoting self love because they visually show us the effect that a negative mindset can have on our bodies. In my book, you can learn more about Dr. Emoto and his experiments. I want to share these findings with people so that they may learn to speak only words of love and kindness to themselves and others.  



















Instructional Signs for experiment:



For my project, I chose very warm and playful colors because I wanted to ease the conversation in a not so comfortable topic. By using these colors, I allow for my audience to feel comfortable in reading the book and seeing what message it is trying to evoke.


During this project, I had a very tough time in completing conveying my project and message in an effective way. Week after week, I continued to receive feedback that was pushing for clarity in content, design, and tonal contrast. Here are a few pages as an example in the progress I made…

to this..

to this..

to this..

to this..

to this.. 


I also played around alot with the arrangement of pages and inserted kind of like “chapter introductions to allow for a contrast of a simple page vs a busy page.



All in all, I am appreciative for all the feedback I received because I feel like all the critiques and push really amounted for the best in the end because I feel like when I was finally able to listen with open ears, I saw people’s point of views and why they were struggling to grasp my concept. I then was able to take that, make modifications, and finally deliver a fully developed and physically displayed project.

This project really taught me how important peer feedback is because without hearing people’s confusions grasping my concept, I would not have modified my pages and added so many elements like my “Important to Note” and 3D graphs. All the critiques were a huge aide because I can confidently say now that I am so happy to have been able to fully realize my project.


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