Architecture In Time Book


Architecture In Time

Architure Book 2-2c3zh3u

When assigned this project, I started to think about how you could capture time in images. I was talking to my friend who is an Architecture major and she showed me this amazingly built building she found years ago in NYC. This made me think about the buildings and the many landmarks NYC has around the city that are from so many different time periods. I then thought about doing the book about some buildings in NYC and sequence it from an older style of architecture to a modern style of architecture. So I went on a walk of the city and took photos of very interesting or detailed buildings to use in my book. I decided to put a sepia filter on all the photos to give off an older look of the photograph. I also made sure when sequencing to space out the different points of view that I took the photos in and the double or single page spreads. I’m pretty happy how the book came out other then I wish when I printed it, it was double sided because it looks like alt of blank pages otherwise.


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