Twitter Post 8

The fall of the last male Northern white rhino is representative of the human disregard and inaction towards the growing issues our planet faces.  Sudan, who was 45 years old, was put to sleep in Kenya, leaving only two females of the entire species alive in the world.  This sub-species is only one of the many that are on the brink of extinction.  The reason that these animals are disappearing off the face of the Earth is due to human greed and disrespect for nature.  It saddens me that poaching is still such a relevant and prominent issue considering the topic has been debated and fought over for so many years.   Though people have voiced their sadness throughout social media, the death of Sudan will soon lose attention and importance as people find larger and more recent headlines to react to.  People will continue to take advantage of the environment and buy into products that are produced by unsustainable businesses, or take part in practices that waste natural resources and strip away natural habitats.  People must not only take to social media to voice their opinions, but also take to the government for stricter regulations or take physical action by shopping smarter or designing more effectively, etc.

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