artist statement

Jessica Chang Chih-Yun

Sang Rhee Kim

Advanced Research Seminar Section J

Revised Artist/Designer Project Statement

February 3, 2017

    As a designer, I strive toward making my designs practical because I don’t believe in clothing that cannot be worn, such as garments made only for the runway. Practicality has multiple elements involved, for example, the designs should be timeless so that the clothing can be worn through years without being embarrassing. The designs should be sturdy and well made, for the clothing to last a long time, a counter to fast fashion, which is hurting the environment and fashion industry as a whole. The design should be comprehensible; the user should be able to put on the design correctly with no struggle. And lastly the design should be comfortable yet chic, the wearer should be confident in my designs, being able to go anywhere wearing the garment without feeling out of place and still be comfortable.

    As an artist, I admire the beauty of things made beautifully, as well as the skill and knowledge required to obtain that perfection. Because I believe with perfection comes an element of care and thought, this holds the creation to a higher precious value and elevates the garment to an emotional level.

     I often find myself looking back to vintage clothes, where fast fashion isn’t prevalent. Those clothes are made with such care and skill; they last forever. Something so well made is hard to throw away, unlike fast fashion they hold a more sentimental and precious value. A different relationship is created between the wearer and the garment, where if they take care of their garment, the garment will take care of them.

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