Drawing Project 5

I visited Union Square and drew different parts of Union Square, starting from the lamppost which stated “We are Union Square”. I then drew police officers who were getting ready for the protest which was going to go on 11.10.16 in the afternoon, while I was drawing. Fortunately, I was able to witness a anti-Trump protest, and I was able to quickly sketch the people and signs. I then later filled it in with my imagination. I chose to color in parts of the first and third drawing with black sharpie because I felt unsatisfied with the election and I wanted to express anger and sadness but also stillness.





The art piece that I chose to express similar emotion was a photograph/video Bruce Connor created in 1976 called Crossroads that showed an atomic bomb exploding in an ocean. This relates to the emotions such as the protests and of the union square in which many of the anti-Trump protests have taken place because it shows a calming scene where a huge disruption occurs, which relates to sorrow and anger because of the aftermaths of what it is associated with, such as the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.bruce-connor



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