A2: Haptic Contour Drawings

When working on my blind contour drawings I have found is especially challenging to demonstrate form and shape in proportion to the subject matter that I was trying to articulate in my drawing. I did enjoy the homework assignment  because I had done blind contours before but I have never gotten to draw hands before. That was a new experience for me and I found it very hard to get the shape right, I tired drawing the hand as a blind contour and not looking at the paper and I found that it was extremely hard to get it right, each time I tried drawing the hards the proportions never looked correct, this for me was a good learning point over all and because of the fact that when I was working with the line the homework seemed easy but when I sat down and really tried to work with it I found myself really struggling, this showed me that there is still great improvements that I can make in relations to my art. Blind contour for me has always helped me understand line, shape and form by teaching myself to not look at the paper and to focus on what’s actually  there. I need to learn to slow down and take my time to look at what’s there, and for me I feel as if that is what is important in this experience. I did take the time to just relax and time some time practicing my drawings witch i feel is a very important skill, over all this was an interesting experience for me and I had fun doing it.

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