identity Collage


Identity Collage


Jon Ferry

Drawing and imaging


  1. Describe the main idea for your Identity Collage Project. Which question from the Identity Questionnaire initially inspired you? How did your idea evolve as you worked?


When first starting the identity collage project I was captivated with the idea of what makes me angry.  I felt like exploring these concepts in my piece. we’re working on my progress I looked at having recurring motives show up in all of my images. so when I first started I looked at completing an building on what I’d already done in previous classes. when we first started I ended up ripping some paper. I looked at exploring this for further work. Then I explored cutting up images so I can see how it overall affected the interpretation of the piece/  I looked at adding the theme of red in all of my pieces to try to create the feeling of unity throughout all my pieces. The main idea from my identity collage project. Was the theme of what makes me angry and I tried to explore this through three overarching ideas that for me encapsulate things that frustrate me in the world. Firstly being idolatry. Secondly being overall suffering pain and agony in the world, I lastly being a fragmented sense of self. I feel like these ideas all go hand-in-hand and all help just fuel one another and make it worse this is why each piece had a little separate theme but stands together as a collective to create the piece that answers the initial question in the identity questionnaire. This inspired me because when we were looking at college in the class the idea of artists using collages during World War I and two to express disorder and chaos really inspired me and I felt like orchestrating this throughout my own ideas with my own artistic taste.


  1. Why is this idea important to you?


This ideas important to me because of the fact that I feel that is very fundamental in my life how I view suffering chaos, pain, agony in the world affects my responses to it and how I choose to live my life because of that I feel that it is important to express it in art to better channel my ideas. For me understanding and working on my frustrations is the best form of self-help so this was a very enjoyable assignment for me.

  1. Which part was more successful in you project: honing your concept in a way that is meaningful to you and your identity or inventing a compelling visual language in collage that feels like your own? Please explain in detail.


I feel for me I was most successful in seeing the progression of my art piece I feel as if you can clearly look back to when I was first messing around with the collage paper and what I decided to make in those previous classes really inspired me for my final product because of this I feel like I wasn’t just pulling things out of the hat we’re just coming up with things last-minute I had a game plan this whole time and I think that’s where I was most successful being able to see progression of my work from my final product to early concept art for me was the most enjoyable part. I feel like my pieces are very expressive and not as conventional but my goal is to invoke emotion from the audience I’m hoping that my piece does this. I feel that all my pieces standalone and give a coherent narrative get work well as a collective because of this I really feel like it expresses my own visual language. This artwork is very much me and who I am as a person because of that I feel like it does hold on my concepts an honor who I am as a person.

  1. To earn an “A” on this project, both of the above criteria need to be met. What grade would you give yourself and why? What would you do to push your work further on future projects?


For me I would give my self an A for this assignment. I felt like I met all my criteria to begin with, working throughout the last couple weeks. To finish my ideas. Also when working on the final project I really did put in as much effort and hard work as I could in creating the art piece. And the effort in took to create the peace was strenuous because of this I feel as if it was an A, I did my best and put in the best I could. There is always room for improvement but I feel like I did the best I could. I think to push myself to further works I want to find a way to be passionate about the art pieces. That why I will be more passionate about completing it.



Overall I enjoyed the project. I was able to explore a new medium I was not previously  familiar with, because of that I really was able to push myself. And try new ideas, I struggled at time to find out what I wanted to do as a final piece. But because of the doddle stage we had I was able to collect my ideas by the time the end of the assignment  came and as a result I enjoyed the peace,


Peer critique

When doing the Peer critique I was given a lot of advice about composition and how my art could come together. Also because of the It really affected how I viewed my art  and it final product. Also visual flow and tempo was something else that I was recommended I looked at so I took that advice and really tried to show it in my project.



Final artwork


Bad and good work

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