One Week’s Trash Assessment “if I could fit time in a bottle” Jon Ferry

If I could fit time In a bottle

During the course of my week I got to see how much waste I actually produced compared to what I thought I was doing. After a couple days of taking notes it became apparent to me that there’re so much I could do to improve. We live in a world of consumables and boy do we consume. The temptation of that quickfix that easy solution is always in the forefront of are mind as humans sometimes we always just want to pick the easier step and that was what became very apparent to me while I do this assignment. For me I’ve biggest producer of waste was how much tissues I use due to the allergies I have and how much plastic I waste. Often times I noticed I got plastic bags and we’re quick to throw them away most items related to food where for me the deadliest and once I stopped to look at how much plastic I was wasting by not reusing containers by far for me that was My one weakness. I tend to always go to restaurants and get plastic spoons and forks and then end up just throwing it away. Furthermore I would get plastic containers when I went to the local store to get my food and also the liquids I would consume would be in plastic bottles that would throw away once I was finished. For me even though there was a large abundance of tissues I was wasting because of how much I blew my nose I quickly noticed the largest contributor to my waist contribution was mainly plastic that was something that for me I could greatly improve on but I had not at the time just simply because I was to lazy to really stop and look for a better solution and I was only fixated on what was convenient for me at the time. This for me is what I chose to focus on for my illustrative piece. I articulated a mink. Putting him into a tea bottle I had just finished and was going to throw away, this for me was just symbolic of the fact that I was contributing to the destruction of habitats due to the amount of plastic I was wasting. For me I feel like this is a powerful was to show people how there trash is effecting the world. By quite literally symbolizing death in a bottle I felt like this was a strong message and got the point across what careless waste dust to the environment. There has been countless instances of animals dying from ingesting plastic and I really started to notice how much plastic as contributing to landfills just because of my inability to recycle. After this project is over I went out and bought water bottle because I found that most of my waste was from water bottle so because of that I felt like if I was able to reuse something that was creating so much harm it was a step in the right direction.  Below you can see my chart for the week. I also decided to name the piece “if i could fit time in a bottle” also I am trying to better to recycle that was another problem I had.


WASTE ITEM MATERIAL TYPE (Food, Paper, Plastic, Glass, Metal, Fiber Other) Recyclable or Landfill? (R or L) If Recyclable, did you recycle it? If Landfill, Compostable – Yes or No?
(example) Paper plate with food Paper Landfill N/A Yes
Plastic bag x5 Plastic No no no
Water bottle x11 Plastic Yes no no
Paper tower x35 paper yes no no
Plastic fork/ spoon x4 Plastic yes no no
Packaging from products x6 paper/plastic yes no no
Cardboard x10 Cardboard yes yes yes
Paper food box x5 paper yes yes yes





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