In class we started going about the process of creating sequences. After that transferring what we had learned from our past assignment into a new and interesting topic which is an accordion style book. We had the task of taking 36 images and finding away to curate them into a series of 14. My two initial ideas where to photograph the sunsetting and then also photograph the process of me creating one of my skeletons that I work on on my personal time.

bellow are process photos for the fox that I took ! plus the sun set.

After taking a time to look at the photos and decide which one I preferred. I ended up deciding to use the photos of the fox. This For me  was a creative decision because I wanted to be able to tell a coherent story by showing a sequence of photos. With the sunset theme it proves to be too cliché and by the time you got to the third photo you already new where it was going. You would have lost all sense of ambiguity because of the fact that it was obvious where the photos were going to. with the fox it was interesting new idea and finding a way to curate the series was enjoyable for me.


After our first critique of laying the photos out in front of the class. I found that I had sequenced the photos wrong and I got a lot of helpful critiques from my classmates that help improve my work. They talk a lot about the mystery of what I was showing and the fact that I had a finished piece in the front really ruined the grand surprise of what I was making. With that being said I chose to change the cover photo in the later edit to better improve and expand on this comment that I got from the class. Also there was problems with the sequencing as I had followed the step-by-step process of how to do it realistically. But if you look at it in the idea of the sequence it did not flow correctly. Because of that I took time to better revise my work so that it would transitioned smoothly from D articulated bone to the finish product at the end. At first I had it start right with the spine, but I had changed the order around to better help with the formatting.

The large motif that I noticed about doing this assignment was the idea process and redoing things. I was rather annoyed with the class and their comments if you want me to be completely honest because I was prideful about my work. But as I really stopped to look I noticed that the critiques they gave me were accurate. After I corrected what they said I think it personally helped with the composition and flow of the sequence a lot better then it was in the beginning. Also changing a problem with the cover I think really helped in the long haul. Overall it was a good experience but having to edit each individual photo Henry linking it meet me want to pull my hair out. The process was long and tedious but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.

When looking at the sequencing of the photos. I try to keep it to have a smooth integration so that anyone they didn’t know what they were looking at could figure it out just by looking. I composed the images in the end so that you can see a clear progression of the Skeleton being built as the photos continue I’m overall happy with how it turned out. You get a real candid unedited raw feel to it where you feel like you’re in the process of making the skeleton yourself !

here you can see my first attempt compared to the Final edit !

That I have the sequencing and everything printed correctly. I decided that the cardboard was a little bit too flimsy and I wanted something that I could actually use. Fun fact I later went home after completing the book because I had four other fox skeletons waiting to be built and I actually use the book as a reference. I decided after looking at the photography. The color of the bone had a real creamy texture to it so I decided to get a nice clean wood that will complete the work as a book cover. I decided to use wire to buying the two covers together just so you have the real made at home feel while maintaining a sense of elegance and composure. Overall I’m ecstatic with how it turned out and I think that it operates really well when you turn the book it naturally list the next page up for you to see what is there an overall I think I’m really happy with the final outcome.

here is the final product

Click here to download a clip of the book being flipped

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Reading response

This part of the reading was actually quite entertaining. It covers ideas of iconography and how one can distinguish what something is without explicitly being told it. For example the use of onomatopoeia first telling sound or earlier in the reading they talked about a painting that said. This is not a pipe. Which in standpoints of the statement is true. It wasn’t a pipe. Overall this chapter talks about the use of visualization in text and how someone can get across their point without having to write it down explicitly. I think this is relevant to what we’re learning right now and class and actually it Is helpful Long the line. People have a preconceived idea of what things are beforehand so being able to visualize that in imagery and not have to rely on these text was the main thing I got from that part of the reading.

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