I Remember

I remember the pop of the cold cherry Foxon Park and then the spray that ended with red sugary droplets going down my face.

I remember running around and laughing in the rain completely soaked and not caring one bit.

I remember covering my ears with my hands after coming in from the snow and how it felt like they were on fire.

I remember the momentum of my body going back and forth, my feet never touching the mulch under the swing set, and my hair whipping back and forth.

I remember the paint flying on to my hair and face. I had always wanted to just roll in a pool of paint.

I remember covering my ears in the dark from the sudden claps of thunder.

I remember running to my parents’ room down the hall in the middle of the night because I had awful nightmares of them being taken away.

I remember tasting the blood in the back of my throat before it came flowing out of my nose.

I remember when my grandpa would be waiting for me at the bus stop in the afternoon, and we’d walk up the hill back to the house. He would ask me how school was at least twice because of his Alzheimer’s, but I wouldn’t mind because I had fun answering in different ways each time he asked. I remember worrying about the day he wouldn’t remember me anymore.

I remember my chest heaving in and out and heart pumping in my ears after performing a dance at a competition.

I remember the shakiness of my hands and legs during a classroom presentation.

I remember waking up in the middle of the night talking in my sleep.

I remember the night that was almost light and the blankets that were laid out on the wet grass. I put my head in Rachana’s lap and we just watched the clouds. It was funny because we were originally out there at 2 AM to watch the Perseid’s meteor shower but the stars were nowhere to be seen that night. Our only source of light was a single lantern.


I remember taking out my duck pillow of the vacuumed package after we got back from China.

I remember being in line for my favorite Young Adult author and getting the book signed by her.

I remember half-shuffling, half-dancing around my house in my woven slippers to Stevie Wonder.

I remember sitting in the wing of the stage, in complete darkness except the blue light, clutching my killer whale pillow pet while listening to the scene on stage. I would give it to the stage manager whenever I had to go on stage.

My Killer Whale Pillow Pet

I remember the popping of the air-soft gun as I hit the red wooden piece off the shelf, and I chose the killer whale pillow pet as my prize.

I remember the soft waves of the ocean at night, while I sat on my pillow pet with my feet in the sand.

I remember long car trips, trying and struggling to get the pillow pet into a good position so that I can sleep.

I remember bringing my pillow pet with me around classes during hell week (tech week) of the musical.




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