Final Project IS2-Visual Culture



My final project is about the difficulties that transgender people need to face in China. I’m using linoleum print for this project because the process of printmaking is very creative since base on the ink, material, and color, will have different outcomes. Sometime this randomness will be a gift.


From group critique, I got the suggestion that if I used transfer paper, I can try different arrangements to lay them together. And consider more with the context in my work. It is helpful because I can relate my project more with my research.


Since last week I research more with Chinese transgender people experiences, and their personal stories from the interview and the first social survey of transgender people in China.

Click to access 2017-Chinese-Transgender-Population-General-Survey-Report.pdf

I also research on artists: Scott Minzy ( single color lino print), Martha Armitage.


1. Purchasing materials

2. Research for context

3. Design patterns (the original image that I want to print)

4. Transfer

5. Cave







During the week, I finished the drawing and transfer it on the linoleum board, I use a 4B pencil so it wouldn’t be too messy to curve but also make sure the outline can come out.

Since last class, I research in Blick with the kind of print paper. I found that comparing with other drawing paper or watercolor paper, the print paper is thick and extremely soft.

I researched the way of wetting paper before printing on youtube. According to the video when wet it with water and dry it correctly, it would not create wrinkle on paper, and it absorbs the ink better.

While I was research, I also saw a way of printing which sounds interesting, plaster print.



Right shoulder:” Ren Yao”, which is an abusive word that describes transgender people as an existence between human beings and monsters in Chinese.

right shoulder:People call the transgender people in Thailand who work for shows、performance, Ladyboy, however, it is not a respectful word for them. In China, people commonly believe that kathoey can live no longer than 30 because of long-term injections of hormones. This stereotype still exists nowadays due to the lack of acknowledging about transgender people.

left arm: Early in 1982, China already handled the technology of sexual transition operation. but till 2001, officially, people still claim on the newspaper that transgender is a very stubborn “disease”. But in the transgender community in China, they rather describe the process of transsexual surgery as “cocoon into a butterfly”. It is a chance for them to bury their old body with the wrong sexual by operation, and become the true inner self. In China, one in two transgender people has a requirement for gender reassignment surgery, but only one in ten people actually get surgery.

right arm: Transgender people mostly realized their gender identity before they become adult. As a result, most of them are unable to have the transexual operation because against their family and financial problem.


  1. finish caving
  2. test print on normal paper
  3. wet/dry the print paper
  4. print piece by piece

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