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Social Justice Hub

This Video was made in my second semester of my freshman year(2017). We were given an assignment to contribute to a school space, the social justice hub, in any way we we could think of. I immediately thought of creating an ad. This was the first stage of the assignment, and earliest idea we were meant to present. So in order for people to have an idea of what i wanted the ads to look like, I made a muck up.

Badminton Ad

This was an ad inspired to bring attention to the school’s badminton intramural. I noticed it was only three people showing up consistently and convinced them to make a video that would attract more people. Surprisingly enough the turn out of people increased to ten.

Soccer Intramural

This is a short video which was created to give students a glimpse into what intramural is like. It is made up of videos I recorded, the semester before.

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