IS2 Journal Entry Week 2 – Identity

Identity is a fun topic to deal with in the movies and dramas. It is usually incorporated into the twisting plots of the show. To give an example, recently, I watched a drama, which was about students education and college acceptance in Korea. It shows how persistent, egoistic, and zealous parents are to educate their children. Parents try to send their children to top schools, especially medical schools. Since it is hard to send kids to medical schools, the drama deals with the stories of hardships and successes in this process. While kids are preparing for their college, there are some unexpected events happened. One of them was about the characters’ identities. For example, there was a girl who had a sick mom with cancer and didn’t have a dad because her mom told her that her dad died right after her birth. She was smart and wise as she ranks at the second or the first from the exams at the school. However, there is a shocking part where her friend’s father revealed to be her father. The story is that this father had a girlfriend when he was young who is this girl’s mom. They accidentally had this girl, but her dad didn’t know that she was born because her mom hid her from him due to this father’s mom who refused to accept her as her daughter-in-law. Thus, this young girl didn’t have an idea of having her dad because she believed she lost her dad right after she born. Anyways, this part was a pretty big shock to the audience because it was never expected. Like this, the identity of a character can be played with various factors to give more fun and exciting features in the dramas. There is only one episode left of this drama and since I’m a huge fan of this drama, I’m so excited to watch it so soon.

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