Bridge 2 response- Talking Pictures

When the idea for the bridge 2 project was introduced I was skeptical. I didn’t quite understand the idea of the project, and felt like the photo responses would feel random. Fortunately, when I visited the “Talking Pictures” exhibit I was able to see how our own personal associations help us interact and understand each photo set. Although we all have different experiences each photo was interlinked by a general them making them universal. My favorite photo set was the one that had someone washing Peonies, and a shower loofah. The colors of this set reminded me of childhood, and brought a sense of mystery and searching for the unknown that I associate with that period of my life. Out of all the different types of media I  felt like the book was the most effective. It allowed you to flip between conversation and see how they all inter linked. My least favorite ones were the paintings because it didn’t capture the idea of what the exhibit was supposed to be. To me paintings can be distorted, and as an artist you can choose what to show how you would like to portray people. With photo it tends to be more raw, and organic, especially if you are taking photos of other people you can’t always control what will happen.  Over all, this exhibit allowed me to open my eyes to learning how conversation can also be told by simple objects instead of words or people.

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