“Diary of Sexual Dependency.” Nan Goldin

“Diary of Sexual Dependency.” By Nan Goldin

 Walking into a room with white walls, ceiling that are sky high tall and photos of people nicely spaced out from each other. Walking around the room looking at the pieces of work from Nan Goldin body of work, “Diary of Sexual Dependency.” From the spacing of the pieces, I felt like there was a concession with the people in the photos. The photos were nicely spade, giving the viewer that one on one while looking at the pieces. I never meet this people before but there was something about the work that drew me in, I wanting to know more about the people in the photos. The question that I ask myself when looking at the photos are how did Goldin captor the different moment in her pieces. Did she reenact them? Did the moment happen and she took her camera out to take the photo of the event? When looking at the photos, it seemed that they are happening in real life, right in from of your eyes. It seems like you are in the moment with this people in the pieces of Goldin’s work.

Knowing some back ground about Goldin and her love life during the time that she took these photos. There is a man that looks to be in his 20s that appears in the series a number of times. This man happens to be Goldin’s lover Brian. Brian aperies in a piece with Goldin, Nan and Brian in Bed, New York City 1983. It was interesting to find out the Goldin referred to Brain has her lover not her boyfriend. I feel like in this photo it explains why she calls him her lover. The piece is Goldin lying in bed with an oversized button up with no pants on. She is looking at Brian while he is smoking a cigarette. His back is facing the viewers and can only see the profile of his face. He appears to be naked sitting on the comer of the bed. Goldin and Brian seems like they just finished having sex during that night and just waking up in the morning from the sun that us shining in their room. The way that Goldin is looking at Brain appears to be that this event happens all the time and its nothing new about it. Brain is faced away from Goldin and is looking at something ells. They are only with each other to pleas the other one’s sexual desires. On the wall behind the head board of the bed, there is a photo of Brian taped on the wall. Maybe Brain was more to Goldin, when someone displays a photo in their personal space it mostly means they have some type of deep meaning to one another. The light seats a mood in the piece, the light reminds me a fire. Fire means heat and passion that the two had with each other when spent with one another. In Goldin plays with different couples, people and how this people responded to each other’s emotion and desires in the body throw photography.


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