Belief Interview

Our own Belief’s

In our minds, there are questions that we ask ourselves to figure out. As time goes on the question grows or we figure out the answers. Figuring out the question that we ask ourselves helps us grow as an individual, makes us who we are today. Sitting down with Laura Dee Ye was fascinating to see a person’s perspective on life. What keeps her going on an everyday basis? Sitting down in a casual setting, talking like two friends that are just getting to know each other for the first time. Laura is pretty private about her thoughts, showing the other side that people don’t really get to see on a first interaction with her was a challenge. As we talked more, I could see her opening up about her beliefs in life that could be considered private to one individual. Laura had a deep belief on life and how she sees the world through her eyes. Laura had three main points in her beliefs. Those are family, religion and art. Topics that could be questionable for an individual trying to figure out things in their life but Laura had it set in her mind, from what’s wrong and right to her.

Do you have a belief that motivates you every day? “I believe in the things that I enjoy in life. Life is really unpredictable with ups and downs. You focus on what you like to do, for example, something grand like saving the world or something small like watching a TV show you enjoy it, can help you during the hard times in your vas life. “What makes you happy? “Family, friends, and the smaller things like watching TV Shows in my free time. There are the conmen things like having good food and making people laugh. They are the pleasurable moment that I enjoy.” What is your belief on family? “My belief on family is a little scattered but the general idea is family is the most important thing. Your family does not have to be blood related to you. Family does not necessarily have to make you happy all the time. There are times when your family is going to make you upset. At the end of the day your family is going to be there to support you no matter what. That’s the point of family.”

Do you have any strong beliefs? This could be religion or anything else. “I’m not religious. I wouldn’t say that I’m an atheist ether. I don’t know if there is a God. I can’t prove that he existed, I would have to say that I’m neutral. If people could find comfort in religion, that’s good for them. I can’t see myself relying on religion. Focusing on the thing that you have around you like family or friends is greater to me. People are religious because they need something to hold on to. It’s interesting to think that people are strong because we are on top of the food chain on earth but we are quite weak, emotionally and psychologically. Its easer to think about there is this divine person looking down on us. And some people need that, but for me I don’t think that I need that belief. There is another thing to turn to and for me it’s my family.” Do you have something that you strongly believe in right now? “Family, art, and religion are the constant things in my life. I’m pretty set on those things but there is something that has sparked. Maybe it’s because I’m going to Parsons and the atmosphere is different but feminism is my strongest belief at the moment. It’s the hot topic right now in society and I have a strong mindset on that. I’m just going to say; I am a feminist. Some people don’t like the idea of feminism and twist the idea of the topic, bottom line it’s about equality between all genders.”  Your beliefs 5 years’ ago, have they changed or they the same? “Happiness and living in the moment 5 years ago was very different. Then, I thought a lot about the future and making goals. I did not live in the moment. 5 years I knew what feminism was but I did not pay that much attention to it. It was my sophomore year in high school when I was open to the idea of this movement from my teacher who was a male and a feminist. That opened my eyes to seeing that man could be feminists too.” Was there a time when you found yourself changing your mind about a belief you had set in your mind? “About my belief on family, when I was little I wished that my parents and I would have the same views but I think that is the process of growing up. It’s that moment of argument and disagreement. You don’t have to see eye to eye all the time. People can still be friends with different beliefs like two people that believe in two different regions can still be friends if they are civil.”

Do you consider yourself an artist, when you’re in school learning how to make art? “I do. Being an artist is a subjective thing. It makes you think, what is an artist? An artist is a person that creates, innovates, and the idea in the piece of work. It’s to the point that the aesthetic of the work does not have to be pleasing but the idea is there in the piece when looking at it. Being an artist is more of a state of mind then a roll or a creator that you do. Having a mentality as an artist with creating and striving to have this mentality to create diversity.”

Do you find yourself unconsciously putting this topic in your work, meaning family and religion? “Yes, all the time. It weird to think about. When making a piece, I don’t think about those topics but when I’m finished I see connections with family and religion. A lot of the times people point them out to me and that’s when I see and realize how powerful they are to me.” Where do you get your belief’s from, is it from your parents? They have definitely infused my beliefs from theirs and creating my own. This ties in with my belief in family and how you don’t have to agree with everything as a family. At the end of the day we are induvial people with our own opinion.” Would you say that your own opinion gets you in trouble if you did speak about them out loud? “I don’t like to talk about my beliefs out loud. I would have to say that I keep a lot of my beliefs to myself but if I were to talk about them out loud I would get in trouble, hands down.”


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