Observation Report: Garment District


The Garment District

With Fashion Week around the corner. The rush of people trying to get things finished is fascinating to look at. The way that the body moves throw the busy crud with big mystery bags pulling their arms’ closer and closer to the ground. I can see the frustration on people’s faces trying to getting things done on time. Each person is in their own little bubble, with their own thoughts rushing throw their heads. As I settled down in one spot, taking in the experience of being in the Garment district. The little things become the big things, when observing the environment around me.

The popular site was devolved in the late 1800s. It was a place where small clothing stores, tailor, and factories would be found. These places would be well known for their craftsmanship of sewing a well-made garment. As time progressed, high end designers would have their show rooms in this area. There was a point in time where the only things at the Garment district was only related to fashion. Moving forwarded to present day, the Garment district does not stand out while walking throw. If I was not aware of the place beforehand I would have walked right throw the district. Because the energy of the area did not stand out to me. It felt like any other places in New York city. If you had no knowledge about sewing or fashion, you can easily get lost or not care where you were.

How can you tell if you were in the Garment district? I noticed that a lot of the fabric stores. I couldn’t tell some of them were fabric stores. Some stores had a lot of people going in and out and other had no people in them. The change of the district over 2 decades has been a big jump from booming to finding other locations then that area because mainly coast of renting making them more. I would not say that the garment district is lost but is slowly changing in different directions that we might not entail of. Till now the Garment district will still be a place where you can go and get help with your garment before Fashion week.





Annotated Bibliography

Stephenson Za, Lauren Benet. “The History of The New York City Garment District.”Zady. Zady, 12 May 2016. Web. 06 Feb. 2017. <https://zady.com/features/the-history-of-the-new-york-city-garment-district>.

Levere, Jane L. “Garment District Isn’t Just for Fashion Anymore.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Feb. 2017. <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/04/business/garment-district-isnt-just-for-fashion-anymore.html>.




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