Artist Statement: Identity Collage

I find collages to be messy and thoughts jumbled up in my mind pieced together. I approached the project in a more personal manner and tried to identify myself through cuts from magazines and words. The process made me relate the project to myself, my identity. In the beginning, I thought it was simple because I know who I am but as I was looking through the magazines, I realized I was unsure of who I really was. I cut up faces and people to represent destruction in a way to show I have points in my personal life where it’s not perfect. Also, I still am completely broken as person and to show that it takes time to piece a person together. The words in the collages are important to show and connect the pictures together. In my final collage, I have a fish in the middle because I wanted to portray the raw aspect of life. However, the phrases on the top show the contrast of the two. I wanted to show that no matter what state I am in, I’m a being that has a purpose for breathe. These pieces show that deconstruction and building of my identity through images and words found in magazines.

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