Seminar 1: Research

1)Tenement Building at 97 Orchard Street 

-It was built in Manhattan’s Lower East Side in 1863,

-This tenement apartment building was home to nearly 7000 working class immigrants.

-The theme for his museum is: making a new life, working for a better future, starting a family with limited means according to the museum

-The Tenement Museum preserves history of immigration

-It is an iconic immigrant neighborhood

-Each year, 44,000 students visit the Museum to learn about immigration and New York City.

-Ruth Abram wanted to build a museum that honored America’s immigrants

-This museum covers all kinds of immigrant background

-The museum looks ruined

-Became national landmark on 1994

It’s a great historical places and resources for immigrant history. This place can provide a lot of sight seeing support and so on. It definitely inspire people to create connection with their background (for example, Italian, Jewish descent. I’ve always been interested in influence of American and immigration height in the 19th century. I think this site would be a good source. “

2)Merchants house museum 

-This museum was considered one of the finest surviving examples of architecture from the 19th century.

-The Merchant’s House has been recognized as a National Historic Landmark

-The style of the building, is late-Federal brick at exterior and Greek revival at interior rooms.

-The House was among the first 20 buildings designated in 1965 under the City’s new landmarks law.

-It is the only historic house museum in the Greenwich Village/Soho/NoHo neighborhoods

-Seabury Tredwell a well know business man bought this house in 19th century.

-It was one of the most haunted places in nyc

-Had a lot of Irish female servants in the house.

-The work of the servants was physically demanding.

-Servants’ wages were meager: between three and four dollars a month.

With beautiful architecture, MHM is know for its owner, a prestigious merchant: Seabury Tredwells. First It’s a great representation of the historical architecture in the 19th century which can be an amazing sources for architecture research. It is also a well representation of wealthy aristocrats in the city. At last, it is also know for supernatural occurrences. I’m a big fan of supernatural occurrences. I want to know why do people fall in the curiosity for supernatural. But the only cons for this merchants house museum, is it’s very narrow. There are not many source about this museum. 

3)Mark Twin house

-One of the most haunted house in nyc

-West 10th Street, between the park and 6th Avenue, was one such street. At No. 14 a stylish Greek Revival home was built towards the end of the 1850s.

-In 1897 Fred H. Andrew was lived here

-author and satirist Samuel Clemens took up residency with his family.

-Charles W. Wetmore, President of several concerns including the North American Company, leased the residence when Clemens moved out in 1901.

-The list of wealthy residents continued when, later, the prominent John Farr family purchased No. 14. Farr, a president of sugar company.

-After a Farr’s daughter sold the house to the Fourteen Ten Corporation which immediately announced its plans to convert it into a 10-family apartment — two apartments per floor.

-22 unnamed people dying in No. 14 West 10th Street over the years.

-It’s also called house of dead

-It’s really close to my dorm.

It’s one of the most haunted house in New York City. It got a lot of attention when Mark Twain took it as his very residence in NYC. Although a lot of people died in this house, it’s really perplex that 22 people died and Mark Twain’s mirage of himself was seen on its staircase. The only cons for this place is narrow resources.



I changed my ultimate researching places


Site 1: Keith Haring’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ Bathroom Mural

Ten research questions that I have developed about this site:

  1. Why is this piece predominately focus on the sexual activities
  2. What is the attitude of the artists when they approach this piece.
  3. How does this piece reflect on the problem of the lgbt community
  4. What is the meaning of sex?
  5. Why are there only male sexual scenes.
  6. Why does Keith haring decided to use paint this in a bathroom
  7. What is the symbol for dick in this work
  8. Why are we trying so hard to liberate from the censorship of the sexual scene.
  9. Why is it “ once upon the time”
  10. Haring died from AIDS, dose this work depict his loathing for being careless on sex, or just depict the enjoyment of making love of the same-sex?

The one research question listed above that is the most interesting to me is:

  1. Why is this piece predominately focus on the sexual activities

Site 2 Berlin Wall Section

  1. Is it a celebration of capitalism?
  2. Why this piece only stand by a set of tables where business people sit down and eat their lunches?
  3. What is the meaning of sitting next to a Berlin Wall and eat meals in a capitalism environment? 
  4. Why is the color predominantly red and yellow 
  5. If a piece of  broken Berlin Wall is a symbol of liberation from separation, then why is this piece still stand in a modern place 
  6. Why is it in mid-town 
  7. Do you see a piece of wall with paint worth a lot of money 
  8. How did the artists kept preserve this piece in the public
  9. Why is preservation such an important things to do 
  10. Why do we celebrate capitalism? 

The one research question listed above that is the most interesting to me is:

Why do we celebrate capitalism?

Site 3: Toynbee Tiles

  1. Why is it so mysterious
  2. What are they trying to convey
  3. Where is the origin
  4. What is “the idea”
  5. Who is the creator
  6. Why are people so intrigue by these signs
  7. What is the purpose of this work
  8. Why do people connect those work with politics even though they can’t identified the content?
  9. why do human like mystery

10.why does humankind must always want to rush to meet the future and believe in a other world?

The one research question listed above that is the most interesting to me is:

why does humankind must always want to rush to meet the future and believe in a other world?

Source 1: Citation in Chicago style

Source 1: Annotation (3-4 sentences explaining why and how the source listed above may be helpful for you)

  • 2 scholarly sources (academic journals, database articles)

Cowick, Carmen. “Preserving Street Art: Uncovering the Challenges and Obstacles.” Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 34, no. 1 (2015): 29-44. doi:10.1086/680563.

This is an articles about street art’s preservation. I was really intrigue by the fact that Toynbee Tiles can be preserved very well. I wanted to find the answer here in this article. The article did not talk about Toynbee Tile, but it talks about preservation of artistry on the street. It’s more like an instruction informative article.

Friedland, Judith. Restoring the Spirit: The Beginnings of Occupational Therapy in Canada, 1890-1930. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.

I’m instructed in why does humankind must always want to rush to meet the future and believe in a other world. Here there is an article about human’s interest in mystery in this article. I think it’s a pretty good source.

  • 2 books or e-books

Troland, Leonard T. The Mystery of Mind. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1926.    (NEWSCHOOL)

I’m interested in human’s innate attraction to mysterious things like Toynbee Tile. This books as good discussion  about mystery and our attention. It’s also accessible at new school

MCSHEA, ROBERT J. Morality and Human Nature: A New Route to Ethical Theory. Temple University Press, 1990.

This book is about human nature. Since my topic is on human nature, I’ll read ethical theory on human nature and philosophy.

This is a general report of the Toynbee Tile in the city. It’s important because the occurred place is in NYC instead of Philly. I wanna bring a more general public perspective into my essay

  • “Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles.” All Movies. Accessed November 05, 2016.

This is a movie about Toynbee tiles. It was well made. The movie played in many film festival and had rich explain nation on Toynbee Tiles.


Keith Haring’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ Bathroom Mural

208 West 13th Street

New York, New York, 10011

United States

Berlin Wall Section

520 Madison Avenue

New York, New York, 10022

United States

Toynbee Tiles

24th Street 6th Avenue

New York, New York, 10001

United States

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