One Weeks Trash




Comic illustration


From this assignment, I learned quite a bit about how waste and debris can add up without even realizing it. During the process, I would forget about how much paper and plastic is produced from daily routines. As I was recording my trash, I started to be more aware of recycling properly and I even made the effort to go shopping with reusable bags and drink out of my water bottle. I thought that this project was an important step to start thinking about the environment especially when it goes out the ears of society because of our busy lifestyles.

Throughout the week, I was going grocery shopping. When it came to food waste, I didn’t really have much of an issue with that since I was on a regime and bought mostly whole foods. I also by very small portions of food so I usually end up finishing my plate. I did by a couple prepackaged snacks throughout the week. Water bottle, diet coke bottles, and coffee/tea cups were bought throughout the days. A lot of my plastic came from grocery bags, and paper products mostly came from art projects and food items. Cotton was also a huge factor because of all the makeup/astringent pads that I used each day.

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