Three Inspiring Artists(Studio 2)


Icelandic singer songwriter who is famous for her up-beat avant-garde music and unique persona.

Born and raised in Iceland, Bjork has been described as Icelands Icon in the pop industry. She creates sounds and beats unlike any other artists.

She has been a big inspiration in my work throughout the years. Her rhythm and visuals have been a helpful hand with joy creativity. I would listen to her a lot back in middle school and high school, as well as using her modeling photos to practice drawing.



An English Illustrator, comic writer, and animator.

He is famous for creating the characters for the fictional band Gorillaz, as well as the Graphic novel series “Tank girl.”

He is one of my favorite illustrators and an inspiration for my work. His lifework and interesting character design can be distinguished as his own. His work has encouraged me to develop my own personal style.


A Japanese Animator and illustrator who has worked on most of the popular Studio Ghibli feature films.

He is well known for animated films such as, Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.

As a child, I grew up with almost all of his films. Over the years I continued to watch his masterpieces because of how much they motivated me to consider fine arts. Miyazaki’s work is what had me start coloring and sketching as a young child, which is why I look up to him so much.

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