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Anna Atkins:

I thought that it was quite interesting to see her fascination with nature and Marine biology. Her being a woman at the time, it was considered taboo for her to even be involved with science, or art. It shows the steps taken to break the stigma and promote equality.

I learned:

-New ways to get inspired; biology becoming accents to remarkable pieces

– Her interesting techniques; Printmaking/ink/paint with her graceful hand

-The degree of time and work that she took while studying and discovering ways of making scientific references as masterpieces.

Cradle to Cradle:

I learned:

-About how the cradle to cradle concept works within nature; The biodegradable waste that we produce, gives resources to other organisms in need of those wastes

– How agriculture and the wealthy play a role in the destruction of our eco-system.

-The notion that all product waste being bio friendly is very possible and could save our planet.

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