Dynamic Intervention – Decorticate

Decorticate (de·cor·ti·cate) creates sustainable, ecologically-friendly garments that accommodate the variations that exist in every body size, shape, build and weight fluctuation. Decorticate goes against the unattainable body image and beauty standard created by the fashion industry. Additionally, we use natural dyes and materials to avoid any negative environmental consequences from the creation and discard of these garments. It is our goal to rise above the industry standards of clothing production, size limitations and the use of fabrics made from synthetic and toxic materials that pollute the environment and our bodies.

As a group of designers serving the diversity of our community, we value the wellbeing of all bodies and people. That is why our designs focus on personal health through production practices that are monitored and non-toxic for body, with a goal of making each garment comfortable for all consumers. Many synthetic materials and chemical dyes cause allergic reactions, inflammation, and can lead to serious conditions and diseases. The skin can absorb these chemicals from the simple contact of wearing garments. By using natural materials and dyes, our garments prevent the ingestion of toxins. Additionally, through the use of excess amount of materials and specific fastening methods, our garments are adjustable to different body types. We allow the wearer to assemble the pieces, through playing around with and adjusting strings, buttons and strips. Through creating pieces that are not restricting the body, we allow the wearer to play with the potential silhouettes of each piece. The ability to alter the size of each garment promotes the wearer to use the piece for a longer period of time. This ultimately leads to less waste and disposal of clothing, since one will not grow out of their clothes.

At Decorticate, we want to create awareness on the negative impacts that synthetic materials and chemical dyes are doing to the environment, wildlife, and our personal health.  Furthermore, we want to focus on raising awareness on falsified standards that influence our wellbeing negatively. Our goal is to shift the ideal standards of the industry through creating a more humane label,  one that gives back to the community through production and accessibility to a variety of people and body.

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